As part of a company rebrand during the Covid-19 crisis darktrace adopted a digital first approach for all collateral and content produced. These digital first documents were designed to be optimised for mobile and laptop reading.
The design and layout utilised a landscape layout set to a common screen size. The layout consists of a multi column layout, which could be adapted according to the space requirements of the document.
Larger White Paper, and Report documents utilised an interactive navigation side bar. This allowed document flow to be easily gauged, while allowing the reader to jump between section with a simple click on the corresponding section.
The design and layout of the digital documents needed to be adaptable to allow for additional copy from localised translated. Where copy could not be fit elements of the base design would need to be adapted to accommodate the extended copy length.
Key documents were strategically leveraged on social media as part of targeted marketing campaigns. The landscape layout of the documents used were ideal for the limitations of the social platforms, with documents being legible while in the preview sliding window.